Kemp Heaton Avenue, Bury

Great Places

Kemp Heaton Avenue is a 1.3 hectare Site located to the south of Bury town centre in the neighbourhood of Goshen. The Site was formerly occupied by a community day centre which was cleared in 2016 and remains in the Council’s ownership. Hive was commissioned to prepare and submit a full planning application for the development of 43 affordable dwellings, including 18 supported living apartments. The application included the construction of new vehicle access points, associated landscaping and infrastructure works.


Hive were instrumental in the community consultation strategy and process. At the initial stage, Hive co-ordinated and attended meetings with representatives from Bury Council and Local Ward Members. Following engagement with key stakeholders, Hive created and distributed the public consultation leaflet to invite comment and promote the in-person public consultation event. The public consultation event was held at a community facility next to the Site. Hive co-ordinated organised and attended the event which ran smoothly. The event was well attended and allowed the local community to discuss the details of the scheme and provide feedback.

Hive prepared a Statement of Community Involvement and Planning Statement for submission. We reviewed technical documentation from the multi-disciplinary team and compiled all submission material for the target date set by the client.


Following the submission of the application Hive worked with the multidisciplinary team to respond to statutory consultee comments where required. We worked with the Council to negotiate appropriate conditions and financial contributions, which was supported by a viability appraisal. The scheme will transform a site which has been a magnet for anti-social behaviour, and provide much needed specialist affordable housing within a high quality environment.

More Projects

Instructed by Hive Homes to provide planning consultancy advice in respect of a residential scheme proposed on a previously developed site in the Green Belt. We initially led the pre-application discussions with Bury Council, who were also the landowner.

Acting for Redrow, Hive were instructed to lead the submission of a reserved matters application for 169 homes. This was the third phase of residential development at Yew Tree Farm and so it was important to ensure that consistency was achieved and we did this by working extremely closely with the design and technical teams at Redrow.

The former Riverside High School site is located to the west of Radcliffe town centre and has been vacant since 2015. The site, which was cleared in 2021, provided an opportunity to delivery for much needed housing development in Bury.