Our Journey
Stuart and Mark spot a gap in the market. A delivery focussed development consultancy with a specialism in delivering for, and in collaboration with, public bodies. With a combined 20 years experience of working for Homes England/HCA/English Partnerships, there is a wealth of knowledge, experience, contacts and hard-won nous around the do’s and don’ts when it comes to delivering development with the public sector.
Whether this is directly commissioned by the public body, or acting for developers who need support in navigating the systems, protocols, rules and acronyms (together with experience of having been there and done that for the national housing agency), Stuart and Mark were confident there was a market for Hive’s services.
So Hive Land & Planning was launched in Spring 2018 and it’s been a fantastic journey so far…..

April 2018
First Garden Village appointment
Hive is appointed to advise Engine of the North (Cheshire East’s delivery vehicle) on Stewardship at the Garden Village @Handforth.

February 2019
First Major Funding Award
The Carlisle Southern Link Road is awarded £102m of HIF funding from government. Hive edited the bid before submission and would go on to negotiate the funding contract.

May 2019
JC joins
Our favourite planning consultant (and one of the best in the business) joins the crew to lead the planning team.

February 2020
Preston City Living regional award
The Carlisle Southern Link Road is awarded £102m of HIF funding from government. Hive edited the bid before submission and would go on to negotiate the funding contract.
March 2018
Company Set Up
After nearly 10 years each at Homes England (HCA/EP), Stuart and Mark set up Hive at Stuarts parents house.

July 2018
First business premises
Hive takes its first office premises. Pretty humble beginnings (4 desks and no windows).

March 2019
The Hive Team Grows
Hive’s first employee joins. A eager and ambitious graduate planner, starting the growth of the Hive team, which reached double figures in 2023.

January 2020
Hive secure major job in North East
Hive’s Garden Village expertise is recognised with a major commission on South Seaham Garden Village. Our first major commission outside of the NW.